Right now, divorces are absurdly common amongst American families and couples. This is sad to say and what makes it worse is that there is an entire legion of divorce lawyers working hard on divorces. Yes, there are some people that work to make money off of a divorce, which is rather depressing. However, in some cases, these lawyers are doing good, especially if they are an uncontested divorce lawyer.
Women file for the majority of divorces. This equates to just about two-thirds. More often than not, these poor women are in a relationship that surely sours over time. This means that they are in a relationship in which neither party is happy and therefore, they want out. In some cases, this is best for all parties involved especially the women being mistreated and cheated on.
On average, there is a zero to six month waiting period after the initial divorce petition is filed and served on the other spouse before a divorce becomes final. This is the type of random fact that plays into the entire divorce process as a whole. It is important to keep this in mind when you fill out uncontested divorce forms with uncontested divorce lawyers. That way, you and your uncontested divorce lawyer can handle everything properly.
Couples therapists report 50% of their caseload is in therapy due to infidelity, according to information from the AAMFT. However, these are the people that actually make it to couples therapy after dealing with infidelity. More often than not, people will just ask for a divorce and then it is all said and done.
According to a study published in the Journal of Family Issues, infidelity was the leading cause of divorce. This came as a result of 21.6% of respondents stated that cheating ended their marriage. Therefore, it is easy to understand how some people arrive at hiring an uncontested divorce lawyer upon being cheated on. No one likes to stick around in a relationship with someone that they cannot trust!
A recent survey has revealed that 19.2% of couples say they divorced due to incompatibility and 10.6% owing to drinking or drug abuse, according to a study published in the Journal of Family Issues. While divorces can happen for a number of reasons, they all end up in the same place. This involves hiring an uncontested divorce lawyer to help a couple properly get a divorce.
When fathers and children live separately, 22% of fathers see their children more than once a week. In 29% of custody cases, the decision was made without any third party involvement. It is really important that a custody situation is properly handled by both parents in a mature fashion IF not, then this can seriously negatively affect the family moving forward and especially the children involved.
In 5% of custody cases, the issue was resolved after a custody evaluation. It may be best for you and your situation to allow for a custody evaluation to take place. That way, everyone is properly treated as equals and someone can give an outside perspective on this process.
Couples who dated for at least three years before their engagement were 39% less likely to get divorced than couples who dated less than a year before getting engaged. The median age for marriage in the 1950s was 23 for men and 20 for women. In 2004, it rose to 27 for men and 26 for women. Make sure you take a divorce process seriously to get the best uncontested divorce lawyer help available.
In Conclusion
Every single year there are people who deal with a divorce and it seriously hurts their family dynamic. Make sure you help take care of your family and your divorce process.