When you own an automobile in the state of Virginia reckless driving is always something that you have to think about when you are on the road, not just in terms of watching out for everyone else, but watching yourself as well. While Fairfax DWI lawyers are always knee deep in substance abuse cases related to driving, across the state of Virginia reckless driving incidents make up a fair of what they do as well and if you had an incident, you will do well to hire professional help. While Virginia DUI issues may be what everyone is afraid of getting caught for on the road, the punishment for a Virginia reckless driving incident can be just as bad.
In Virginia reckless driving can cover a wide range of different issues and in many cases, you will get slapped with other tickets if you get caught for it. For instance, If someone is going slow and you speed over a double yellow line, nearly get into accident in oncoming traffic, and then nearly run the other driver off the road when you cut back over, a cop that pulls you over may site you for speeding and reckless driving at the very least. In Virginia reckless driving charges can be very expensive and coupled with other tickets, you could be in big trouble without a lawyer.
In the most aggravated cases, reckless driving could get your license suspended, put points on it, bring you hefty fines, and even land you in jail, especially if you were driving reckless while drunk or under the influence of another substance. In cases like this, you need a Virginia criminal lawyer to represent you. Without their help, you could face maximum penalties.
With a lawyer on your side, you will have someone that can speak on your behalf and make a plea with the court. In doing so, you may be able to get on the good side of the judge and get your penalties reduced. In some cases, you can avoid points or suspension altogether. A good lawyer can make all the difference.
In the end, the most important thing for you to do is to change your ways on the road after the incident is over. Doing this will only improve your chances of not getting caught in the future. If you do however, you will know which lawyer to call.
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