To the uninformed, email newsletter marketing may seem a waste of time. They might think that the common consumer would simply mark an internet marketing newsletter as spam and not read it. But the email sending services that employ online email marketing campaigns make it much more than a standard email. Through their services, or even on your own with email newsletter marketing software, you can personalize your newsletter, making it feel as important as it actually is.
Maybe you have never even considered email newsletter marketing. Perhaps you have never been exposed to the idea, that is why you have not employed the tactic to expand your internet presence. If you have never heard the benefits of sending company newsletters, there would be no reason for you to pursue them. But, upon reading this, you just may consider it.
1. Reminder
To most people, if they see an ad in a newspaper or in their bundle of coupons, they may completely ignore it. Dozens of companies use the same format, even for their emails, so people become immune to their marketing value. Having a different format allows you to catch the eye of the consumer and remind them that you are around and of what you do.
2. Relevance
A newsletter allows you to impart knowledge and updates about the company. It is much more than just letting the customer or client know about sales. You can give so much more information, and you can even tie it in to the lives of the clients. By making the information pertain directly to them, you are interesting them and giving them reason to care.
3. Resilience
A newsletter sticks around. Whether it is a physical copy or an email, people are more likely to hold onto a newsletter to read it later. By having that email still sitting in their in boxes, people will be constantly seeing your company. And upon reading it, they will continue to think of the company. By providing content unlike that of your competitors, your company will be much more memorable.
Stop wasting money on marketing campaigns that just get lost in the noise. How memorable can you be when your advertising is just like everyone else? With something as seldom used and unique as a newsletter, your customers and clients are sure to know that you care, and will return that loyalty when the time comes.