Scott Tedmon
USA v. Orji, et al: CJA 20 as to defendant Troy Urie …
Eastern District of California, caed-2:2003-cr-00534-67786 · CJA 20 as to defendant Troy Urie: (Appointment of Counsel) Scott L. Tedmon.
Gross Indecency: The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde – Scott …
COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS. SCHOOL OF DRAMA. Gross Indecency: The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde. by Moisés Kaufman. Scott E. Tedmon-Jones. May 11, 2010.
Scott Tedmon-Jones – 7 « Colorado State Thespians
Adjudicator: Scott Tedmon-Jones – (307) 766-2281 stedmonj@uwyo.edu. Students Called Back. Lucy Albers-Mead Jordan Axe Mark Babineau Jocelyn Baker