Dash cams for police officers can really come in handy. If you’re a policeman and wondering if you actually need a dash cam, the answer is YES! Not only can it serve as evidence in a case, but can also be a source of safety for a police officer. You don’t have to think that they are all expensive, either. Some companies offer more affordable versions of dash cams that can be used by all departments. An in car video system is crucial for police safety. Take a look at some other reasons why a dash cam is good for any officer, regardless of department.
1. It’s just a safety thing
A dash camera can significantly increase a police officer’s level of safety. Not only does it allow for there to be conclusive evidence when it comes to a trial or crime, but it also allows for police officers to assess a situation differently. Back in the day, before dash cams for police officers were around, evidence came down to a policeman’s word against that of the victim or other person involved. Now, there is video evidence, which cannot be distorted, and because of this, police are also more careful to think about how they will act in a situation.
2. It allows for more public trust
The public can sometimes before afraid of police officers and may feel like they are threatened instead of feeling protected. With dash cams, people have better evidence of a particular situation, whether it involved a confrontation that was poorly handled by a police officer, or one that was handled well. With video recordings, evidence can’t be distorted, so the public will be able to see it and form their own opinions about what happened with a situation. Also, if people feel threatened by their local police department, knowing that offices have a dash cam might make them feel more at ease, knowing that there is evidence of any kind of interaction.
3. It can help create better police officers
Dash cam footage can help ensure those police officers in training can learn from that of his elders. If a police officer gets involved in a confrontation or certain dangerous situation, the footage showing how the officer handled the situation (either negative or positive) can be used to teach future police officers what they should either do or not do in the situation. In situations where the police officer handled something incredibly well and safely, then they should be praised and other police officers should learn from this actions and efforts.
These are just three of the top reasons why every police officer should have a dash cam in their car. What do you think about dash cams for police officers? Let us know in the comments below!