Marshall Waller is a family law attorney and has been in the business of family lawyers for years. He gets to help families in need, and his main focus is

Tips for Becoming a Bankruptcy AttorneyTips for Becoming a Bankruptcy Attorney
This informative video explains how someone can become a bankruptcy attorney. Working in a bankruptcy law office can be lucrative for anyone willing to put forth the effort to get

Why Personal Injury Attorneys Work With ChiropractorsWhy Personal Injury Attorneys Work With Chiropractors
Everyone is afraid of being in a car accident. There is so much that can go wrong from your health, your car, and your bank account. If you ever do

Advice on How to Talk to the PoliceAdvice on How to Talk to the Police
Sometimes, talking to the cops before going to a criminal law lawyer is bad because you will give out valuable information. More often than not, the information you’ve given to

Should You Get an Attorney When Youre in a Car Accident?Should You Get an Attorney When Youre in a Car Accident?
If you have been in a car accident, when should you contact an accident lawyer? This is a big question that many have and John Kelly has a great answer